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Februar 17, 2025


The vocalist and songwriter Henry Beck is best known for his work with the metal bands PIK and KAT. During his time in PIK, he released two highly acclaimend albums and played several festival shows all across Europe, including a successful European tour through 11 countries, supporting Immolation.

After concluding his work with PIK, Henry Beck was asked to join KAT. After releasing the album ''Mind Cannibals'', Henry Beck and KAT joined Six Feet Under for a European tour and subsequently Helloween on the East-European leg of their ''Keeper of the Seven Keys – The Legacy World Tour 2006''.

Now Henry Beck returns with his band WHITE DWARF!

Founded in 2006 by Beck in Germany,the project presents music its members know best – melodic hard rock! The songs are characterized by great melodies, catchy guitar riffs by Marcel Bangert, and Henry Beck's charismatic voice. The inspiration by bands like KISS, Rainbow, Whitesnake and Scorpions, as well as the rich experience and ability of the involved musicians result in an imposing sound that will convince fans of hard rock from the first moment on. Join WHITE DWARF on the rock and roll adventure!

The first single ''Living on Wheels'' taken from WHITE DWARF's upcoming album, which is planned to be released in 2022, out now:


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyx-7sibNibYOWRCebo9s_w

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/WhiteDwarfOfficial/?ref=pages_you_manage

E-Mail: henry-beck@web.de

Henry Beck – vocals
Marcel Bangert – guitars

Guest musicians on the upcoming album:
Ben Schnell – bass
Daniel Galmarini – keys
Carsten Schmerer – drums

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